Parents Pray, Kids Play

Our Impact

Welcome to Parents Pray Kids Play, a faith-based community service support group that equip parents to raise their children with the support of a “village”. The group’s focus is to provide support, enhance parenting skills, provide opportunities for future financial investments, and praying partners.

What we do

To help support parents in their journey, we are launching a community service called Parents Pray Kids Play. This group aims to equip parents with the skills and support they need to raise confident and successful future citizens. Through monthly prayers, meetings and ongoing connections, parents can build a supportive network or “village” to turn to during challenging times.

Goal 1:
Build A Village

Parents Pray Kids Play gives parents the opportunity to connect with other parents facing similar struggles and challenges.

Goal 2: Empower Parents

Empower parents with effective nurturing skills. Each month, Parents Pray Kids Play focuses on a specific topic related to parenting.

Goal 3: Spiritual Focus

Every month parents are provided with a guided prayer verse to help them pray effectively for their children.

Goal 4: Prepare For The Future

 Preparing for the success of the next generation is key to the development of all aspects of life.