About Us

Who we are

Welcome to Parents Pray Kids Play, a faith-based community service support group that equip parents to raise their children with the support of a “village”. The group’s focus is to provide support, enhance parenting skills, provide opportunities for future financial investments, and praying partners. Each group is made up of 10 parents and their children, who are divided into groups based on their children’s age. A group is led and managed by its members, with the help of a facilitator who has received internal training.

Each month, the parents will meet to discuss a whole-brain parenting perspective topic while their children play together in a designated play area. Snacks will be provided by the parents and will be tailored to the needs of the group. Each group is led by a facilitator, secretary, and treasurer. The facilitator will lead the group during the meeting, communicate a monthly Bible verse that the parents will pray over each child in the group throughout the month. The facilitator will also work with the secretary and treasurer to plan monthly meetings, including the location, topic of discussion, and any necessary pre-planning. The secretary will take notes during group meetings, communicate updates and announcements, and handle other administrative tasks. The treasurer will collect and manage funds.

Parents are responsible for their own children during meetings. Parents Pray Kids Play is not liable for any injuries or accidents that may occur during meetings. Meeting locations may change based on the age of the children, weather conditions, and cost effectiveness. We encourage parents to choose locations that are free or cost-effective.

There is a $60 per family yearly, non-refundable registration fee at the beginning of the year. The group will be closed to new members once it reaches 10 families, unless members drop out. New members will be required to pay the $60 fee regardless of when they join. To benefit from the group, families must attend each monthly meeting, except in unavoidable situations. There are three excused absences allowed per year. Members will be automatically dropped from the group after five absences in a year.