
  • Potty Training
  • Discipline/Behavior
  • Child Development
  • Child Health – Developmental milestones
  • Socialization/Influence of friends/Societal expectations
  • Mental Health/Anxiety
  • Leadership Development
  • Sleep 
  • Electronics
  • Cyber Safety
  • Finances -Investments
  • Involving Children in Group Meetings
  • Safe Touch (teaching children about body safety/boundaries)
  • Routines
  • God
  • School Prep/School Support
  • Self-identity/Self-esteem
  • Safety – Strangers/Drugs
  • Literacy
  • Culture
  • Special needs 
  • Attachment
  • Parenting Styles
  • Legal
  • Book Discussion

Guests Topics

  • Safe Touches- Boundaries 
  • Finances- Investments/College Preparedness 
  • Spiritual Perspective 
  • Experiencial Mothers- Heart to heart talks
  • Legal Preparedness